1.2 Assumptions

To a certain extent, when investigating processes, we have to assume a certain “happy” example. Rather than dealing with every single problem that exists in the world, we work to solve just one set of problems.

Throughout this document certain assumptions are made regarding the processes and nature of the teams involved. While these assumptions are not necessarily true in any given environment, these assumptions are used to define the scope of this document.

Software Systems

While much of what is discussed is relevant to Quality Control in general, this discussion is based on experiences in Software and Digital systems, and therefore focuses on solutions for those fields.

Members are Motivated

For the most part this is not an issue, people take pride in their work, and are interested in making their company, their product, or their service better.

Unfortunately, this is not 100% true. Some people just don’t care. If the people involved don’t care about the system they are building, there is nothing that can be done to improve the system.
Solving the disinterested employee problem is out of the scope of this discussion. For the purposes of this discussion, I am assuming that the people involved care.